Field Precision title

Magnum and Magwinder screenshots,3D magnetic fields

For more information
Download the Magnum instruction manual: magnum.pdf
Get information on Geometer: geometer.html
Get information on MetaMesh: metamesh.html
Magnum (A3D0250)

3D magnetostatic fields and forces with drive coils, high-permeability materials and permanent magnets

Magnum is a versatile tool for 3D finite-element magnetostatic calculations. The program features high accuracy and speed at a moderate price. Magnum can perform three types of calculations: 1) free-space fields in unbounded volumes for given applied currents, 2) bounded fields in the presence of coils, permanent magents and saturable isotropic ferromagnetic materials and 3) pulsed fields in regions with ideal conductors. The program handles saturation effects in ferromagnetic materials and modern permanent-magnet materials (NdFeB and SmCo). The package includes four linked components: Geometer (build 3D structures in an interactive environment), MetaMesh (automatically create conformal hexahedron meshes), MagWinder (build complex 3D drive coil assemblies), Magnum (generate magnetic-field solutions interactively in a window or under command control), and MagView (make 2D/3D plots and perform quantitative analyses).

Self-consistent calculations with saturable magnetic materials like iron. Utility program to create hysteresis tables for any material.
Extensive array of 2D and 3D plotting options.
Interactive point-and-click analysis of solutions.
Advanced solution techniques to resolve microscopic details in large structures.
Automatic volume integrals of field energy to determine inductance.
Interactive line scans and plots with digital oscilloscope features.
Command-mode operation for external solution control and automated analyses.
Vector plots and probes to explore the solution space.
Easy-to-understand instruction manual with walkthrough examples.
The Magnet Design Toolkit is included at no extra charge.
One-time purchase price with no continuing license fees: $3,990.00.

Please contact us for technical information, to arrange a free trial or to discuss how finite-element software can meet your goals.