Field Precision title
EStat, dielectric and conductive electric fields

For more information
Download the EStat instruction manual: estat.pdf
Get information on Mesh: mesh.html
Electrostatics Toolkit (TK0150)

Two-dimensional electrostatic solutions (cylindrical and planar systems), dielectric or conductive media.

The Electrostatics Toolkit is a comprehensive tool for electrostatic solutions in two-dimensional planar and three-dimensional cylindrical systems. The programs handle multiple regions of dielectric or conductive materials. The self-contained package includes Mesh (automatic conformal mesh generator) and EStat (finite-element solution engine and postprocessor for plots and interactive analyses). Advanced capabilities include anisotropic materials and automatic calculations of field energy, peak field and capacitance. The Electrostatics Toolkit has application to research and production design in areas such as high voltage engineering electro-optical devices, electro-plating and particle accelerators.

Assign spatial variations of dielectric constant, conductivity and space-charge density from mathematical functions.
Easy-to-understand instruction manual with walkthrough examples.
Standard PCs handle large meshes (several million elements).
Extensive plot options include equipotential contours, three-dimensional potential plots, and color-coded element plots of field magnitude.
Library of practical application examples on disk.
Interactive point-and-click analysis of solutions.
Advanced solution techniques to resolve microscopic details in large structures. One-time purchase price with no continuing license fees.

Please contact us for technical information, to arrange a free trial or to discuss how finite-element software can meet your goals.

Copyright, Field Precision LLC, 2025