Field Precision title


(Articles arranged by program)


  1. 2D/3D simulations of microwave heating in resonant cavities
  2. Aether simulation: heating dielectric samples in a waveguide


  1. Floating electrodes in electric-field calculations
  2. Combining dielectrics and conductors in electrostatic solutions
  3. Numerical calibration of a capacitive voltage probe
  4. Edges in electrostatics
  5. Floating potential of an open region
  6. Setting boundaries in electrostatic solutions
  7. Theory and applications of the Maxwell stress tensor
  8. Minimizing electric field on coaxial electrodes
  9. Conductive-type electrostatic solutions
  10. Gas breakdown theory
  11. Conditions for corona discharges


  1. Target optimization and forward dose calculation for a pulsed radiographic facility (1)
  2. Target optimization and forward dose calculation for a pulsed radiographic facility (2)
  3. H*(10) calculations with GamBet
  4. GamBet shielding calculation walkthrough
  5. Modeling radioactive sources with GamBet
  6. GamBet distributed computing capabilities
  7. Creating a Maxwell-Boltzmann particle distribution


  1. Particle flux plots in Gendist


  1. Moving thermal sources in HeatWave
  2. Thermal flux on a surface in TDiff and HeatWave
  3. Scaling in thermal solutions
  4. Arrhenius rate integrals in finite-element thermal solutions


  1. Floating electrodes in electric-field calculations
  2. Checking the validity of finite-element code results
  3. Techniques to find electrostatic forces
  4. Combining dielectrics and conductors in electrostatic solutions
  5. Numerical calibration of a capacitive voltage probe
  6. Floating potential of an open region
  7. Theory and applications of the Maxwell stress tensor
  8. Setting boundaries in electrostatic solutions
  9. Edges in electrostatics
  10. Node versus volume models in HiPhi solutions
  11. Conductive-type electrostatic solutions
  12. Short circuit near a gas transmission line
  13. Gas breakdown theory
  14. Conditions for corona discharges


  1. Iron in magnetic-field calculations (1)
  2. Iron in magnetic-field calculations (2)
  3. Scaling in magnetic shielding calculations
  4. How to calculate inductance (1)
  5. How to calculate inductance (2)
  6. How to calculate inductance (3)
  7. Let's make a refrigerator magnet
  8. Cosine coils in Magnum calculations
  9. Comparing Magnum to Maxwell3D and CST EM Studio
  10. Permanent magnetic material data for finite-element calculations
  11. Magnum in parallel
  12. Mind over numbers
  13. Theory and applications of the Maxwell stress tensor
  14. Expanded plot features in MagWinder
  15. Graphical coil display in MagView
  16. Symmetry boundaries in Magnum
  17. Modeling a sectored radial magnet with Magnum
  18. Modeling laminated cores in Magnum and PerMag
  19. Using Magnum to calculate flux coupling
  20. Counter-intuition in permanent magnet circuits
  21. Creating a coil box with MagWinder
  22. Reflection of Magnum solutions
  23. Field exclusion in Magnum
  24. Magnum for MRI facility shielding
  25. Magnetic saturation properties: educated guessing
  26. Coil force integrals in Magnum
  27. Online magnet calculators
  28. Defining material properties for PerMag and Magnum


  1. Porting field information to OmniTrak with Mapper (July 2, 2008)
  2. Mapper: creating field maps from midplane data


  1. 2D mesh generation with DXF import
  2. Fixing an electron emission surface
  3. Sharing dimensions of Mesh setups
  4. Using a spreadsheet for Mesh input
  5. Trimming geometries with the Mesh Drawing Editor
  6. Orphan elements issue resolved
  7. Using LibreCAD with Mesh
  8. Processing all Mesh files in a directory with Python
  9. Long arcs in Mesh and MetaMesh


  1. Three-dimensional meshing of biological structures
  2. Holes and other pitfalls in MetaMesh
  3. How many elements?
  4. Bulletproof 3D CAD import
  5. Saved Views in MetaMesh and the AMaze postprocessors
  6. Using Solidworks with MetaMesh
  7. Automatic 3D meshing of printed circuits
  8. Building a rounded box with MetaMesh
  9. Building solids in MetaMesh
  10. Using FreeCAD with MetaMesh
  11. Long arcs in Mesh and MetaMesh


  1. Universal curves for high-frequency wire losses


  1. Modeling electron field emission
  2. Mystery particle stopping in OmniTrak
  3. Setting a time step for electrons in a strong magnetic field
  4. Dual voltage modulations in OmniTrak
  5. Tiny gyroradii and the sorrows of tech help
  6. Designing electron sheet-beam injectors with OmniTrak
  7. Simple sheet-beam design
  8. Modeling a cathode/focus-electrode gap with OmniTrak
  9. Space-charge-limited flow from a thermionic source
  10. Thermal effects in space-charge-limited flow
  11. Trajectories that stop unexpectedly in Trak and OmniTrak
  12. Transparent electrodes in OmniTrak
  13. Multistage calculations in Trak and OmniTrak
  14. OmniTrak CircBeam and RectBeam tools
  15. Cathode temperature in Trak and OmniTrak
  16. Using two-dimensional field solutions in OmniTrak
  17. Modeling quadrupole mass analyzers with OmniTrak
  18. Electron beam neutralization in Trak and OmniTrak
  19. OmniTrak: superposition of magnetic field tables
  20. Creating a Maxwell-Boltzmann particle distribution
  21. Ion beam extraction in Trak and OmniTrak from sources with multiple species


  1. Iron in magnetic-field calculations (1)
  2. Iron in magnetic-field calculations (2)
  3. Scaling in magnetic shielding calculations
  4. How to calculate inductance (1)
  5. How to calculate inductance (2)
  6. How to calculate inductance (3)
  7. Permanent magnetic material data for finite-element calculations
  8. Theory and applications of the Maxwell stress tensor
  9. Calculating inductance from magnetic field solutions
  10. Modeling laminated cores in Magnum and PerMag
  11. Counter-intuition in permanent magnet circuits
  12. Magnetic saturation properties: educated guessing
  13. Designing solenoid lenses for electron beams
  14. Testing your permanent-magnet purchases
  15. Online magnet calculators
  16. Defining material properties for PerMag and Magnum


  1. Arrhenius rate integrals in finite-element thermal solutions
  2. 2D/3D simulations of microwave heating in resonant cavities


  1. Tips for modeling electron field emission
  2. Setting a time step for electrons in a strong magnetic field
  3. Current-density distributions in Trak
  4. Strange orbits in Trak
  5. Fixing an electron emission surface
  6. Emission surfaces in Trak
  7. Emittance of a circular beam
  8. Tutorial: electron gun design with Trak
  9. Tiny gyroradii and the sorrows of tech help
  10. Universal high-flux electron gun design
  11. Simple sheet-beam design
  12. Space-charge-limited flow from a thermionic source
  13. Thermal effects in space-charge-limited flow
  14. Trajectories that stop unexpectedly in Trak and OmniTrak
  15. Ion extraction from a plasma at an aperture
  16. Multistage calculations in Trak and OmniTrak
  17. Cathode temperature in Trak and OmniTrak
  18. Multiple particle species in Trak
  19. Custom trajectory color-coding in Trak
  20. Electron beam neutralization in Trak and OmniTrak
  21. Designing solenoid lenses for electron beams
  22. Creating a Maxwell-Boltzmann particle distribution
  23. Ion beam extraction in Trak and OmniTrak from sources with multiple species


  1. WaveSim boundary rules
  2. 2D/3D simulations of microwave heating in resonant cavities

General computational techniques

  1. Integrating the ConText text editor
  2. Automatic solution control with Perl
  3. Understanding coordinate units
  4. How to check the validity of code results
  5. How much memory do you actually have?
  6. Why does it run so slowly?
  7. Using postprocessor configuration files
  8. Checking your multicore computer
  9. Advanced 3D graphics and movie capabilities
  10. Making movies with the AMaze programs
  11. Processing all Mesh files in a directory with Python
  12. Automatic movie generation in thermal and electromagnetic codes
  13. Plotting large meshes
  14. Large mesh plots revisited: program-not-responding
  15. Saved Views in MetaMesh and the AMaze postprocessors
  16. How to use saved views
  17. Identifying a proxy server
  18. Measure anything on your computer screen
  19. Universal curves for high-frequency wire losses
  20. Parallel processing optimization
  21. Mesh versus boundary methods
  22. Features for automatic program operation

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