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Software products

3D Analysis Suites
3D electrostatics and high voltage HiPhi, 3D design suite for electrostatics. HiPhi accepts any user-specified geometry. The self-contained package performs mesh generation, numerical solution and analysis. Magnum, 3D magnetic fields Magnum, 3D design suite for magnetic fields and forces. Magnum accepts any user-specified geometry. The self-contained package performs mesh generation, numerical solution and analysis.
Aether, 3D electromagnetic fields, microwaves and pulsed power Aether is a versatile package for 3D frequency- and time-domain electromagnetic simulations. Applications include pulsed-power systems, resonant modes, microwave devices and electromagnetic scattering. OmniTrak screenshot 3D charged particles OmniTrak, world-standard 3D design suite for charged-particle injectors, accelerators and beam transport systems. Self-contained package for electric/magnetic field solutions and beam dynamics.
Aether, 3D electromagnetic fields, microwaves and pulsed power HeatWave, 3D design suite for dynamic and steady-state thermal analysis in solid and biological media. Option to import power density profiles from Aether, RFE3 or GamBet. 3D RF electric fields RFE3, 3D design suite for RF electric fields in conductive/dielectric media. Applications to electrosurgery, RF material processing and geological measurements.
Radiation treatments, X-ray imaging and source design
Monte Carlo X-ray calculations GamBet, innovative 2D/3D Monte Carlo design suite for electron/photon interactions with matter and X-ray science. Input/output porting to Trak, OmniTrak and HeatWave Xenos, X-ray source design Xenos is the ultimate resource to model X-rays, electrons, positrons and their interactions with matter. A primary application is end-to-end design of X-ray sources.
Economical 2D Analysis Suites
2D electrostatics and high voltage Electrostatics Toolkit, 2D design suite for electrostatics, gives quick solutions for systems with cylindrical or planar symmetry. The self-contained package covers mesh generation, numerical solution and analysis. Magnet design toolkit, 2D magnetic fields Magnet Design Toolkit, 2D design suite for magnetic fields and forces, gives gives quick solutions for systems with cylindrical or planar symmetry. The self-contained package covers mesh generation, numerical solution and analysis.
Trak screenshot 2D charged particles Trak Charged Particle Toolkit, complete 2D design suite for electric/magnetic fields and charged-particle beam dynamics. The affordable toolkit gives quick solutions for systems with cylindrical or planar symmetry. Electromagnetic toolkit, 2D electromagnetic fields and pulsed power Electromagnetics Toolkit, complete 2D design suite for frequency- and time-domain electromagnetic simulations.Applications include resonator design, electromagnetic scattering, EM interference and pulsed-power devices.
Thermal analysis toolkit, 2D thermal simulations Thermal Analysis Toolkit, 2D design suite for dynamic and steady-state thermal analysis, quick solutions for systems with cylindrical or planar symmetry. Option to import power density profiles from Nelson, RFE2, WaveSim and GamBet. 2D RF electric fields RFE2, 2D design suite for RF electric fields in conductive/dielectric media, quick solutions for systems with cylindrical or planar symmetry. Applications to electrosurgery, RF material processing and geological measurements.

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