Field Precision title

Trak screenshots, charged particle beam physics

For more information
Download the Trak instruction manual: trak.pdf
Reprint, new plasma-surface capability: modeling_ion_extraction.pdf
Get information on Mesh: mesh.html
Get information on EStat: estat.html
Get information on PerMag: permag.html
Trak Charged Particle Toolkit (TK0450)

Charged-particle tracking, beam transport and electron/ion gun design

The Trak Charged Particle Toolkit is the most advanced 2D code available on any computer platform for charged-particle optics and gun design. The program applies high-accuracy finite-element techniques to calculate single-particle orbits or to simulate steady-state beams in 2D (planar or cylindrical) electric and magnetic fields. Features include effects of beam-generated electric and magnetic fields, automatic generation of input distributions, self-consistent space-charge-limited emission, and field emission. Applications include electron and ion guns, electro-optical devices, electron microscopes, vacuum microelectronics and relativistic high-power beams. The package includes five linked components: Mesh (automatically create conformal triangular meshes), EStat (electric-field solutions, plots and analysis), PerMag (magnetic-field solutions, plots and analysis) and Trak (calculate trajectories and regenerate fields, plots and analysis) and GenDist (plots and analysis of particle distributions).

Easy-to-understand instruction manual with a library of read-to-run examples.
Combine effects of calculated electric and magnetic fields from independent meshes.
Self-consistent space-charge-limited emission from multiple sources.
High accuracy orbit calculations, even near electrode surfaces
Precision interpolation to stopping planes for lens characterization.
Interactive orbit and field plotting postprocessor with built-in hardcopy support.
Automatic calculation of self-consistent plasma surfaces for ion extraction.
Advanced secondary- emission models and automatic tracking of multi-generational electron histories.
Automatic calculations of emittance and current density.
Includes the PDF textbooks Principles of Charged Particle Acceleration (Wiley Interscience 1986) and Charged Particle Beams (Wiley Interscience, 1990).
Formatted text output files make it easy to transfer information to user applications or to mathematical analysis programs.
One-time purchase price with no continuing license fees.

Please contact us for technical information, to arrange a free trial or to discuss how finite-element software can meet your goals.

Copyright, Field Precision LLC, 2025