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RFE2 (TK0750)
Two-dimensional RF electric fields in biological media and lossy
RFE2 is a versatile 2D numerical tool to find RF electric fields in conductive media. The program has applications in RF heating and biothermal simulations. You can define up to 250 regions to represent electrodes or different materials. The amplitude and phase of the harmonic potential on electrodes can be set individually. Conductive materials are characterized by values of the volume resistivity and relative dielectric constant. Power density values can be exported to TDiff for thermal analysis. An interactive graphical environment provides full information on the amplitude and phase of electric field and current density throughout the solution regions.
Extensive plots
include equipotential contours, three-dimensional potential plots, and
color-coded element plots of electrical field and current density.
instruction manual with ready-to-run examples.
Automatic calculations
of power dissipation in regions and real and displacement current from
Interactive point-and-
click analysis of solutions.
One-time purchase price with no continuing license fees.
Please contact us for technical information, to arrange a free trial or to discuss how finite-element software can meet your goals.