Automatic generation of 3D conformal hexahedron meshes
MetaMesh is a versatile, fast and easy-to-learn program to create conformal 3D meshes for finite-element calculations. In a conformal mesh, elements are individually shaped to match object boundaries. The faithful representation of surfaces and the extended node coupling of the hexahedron mesh account for the high accuracy of AMaze programs. The MetaMesh script is a simple and well-documented format for the definition of arbitrary three-dimensional structures. You can use the Geometer program to create scripts in an interactive, graphical environment. MetaMesh has the unique capability to create ideal structured meshes of conformal elements for top speed in finite-element solutions.
Easy transfer of parts from SolidWords™, AutoCAD™, ProE™ and other 3D CAD programs via STL files.
Fast processing speed
(> 50,000 nodes/second).
Detailed instruction
manual, ready-to-run examples and an on-line help file.
Extensive shape-model
library (including extrusions and turnings with arbitrary cross
Powerful visualization
tools to check meshes.
Automatic error
correction for high reliability.
Option to run
autonomously in batch mode.
Please contact us for technical or price information, to arrange a free trial or to discuss how finite-element software can meet your application.