Field Precision Title

EMP and Wavesim example microwave calculations

For more information
Download the EMP instruction manual: emp.pdf
Download the WaveSim instruction manual: wavesim.pdf
Get information on Mesh: mesh.html
Electromagnetics Toolkit (TK0550)

Time-domain electromagnetic analysis: simulations of electromagnetic interference and pulsed-power devices.Frequency-domain simulations of electromagnetic propagation and microwave devices

The Electromagnetics Toolkit includes two solution programs. EMP simulates electromagnetic pulses in 2D planar geometries and 3D cylindrical systems. The program employs unique finite-element methods on conformal triangular meshes for accurate representations of curved and sloped material boundaries. WaveSim models electromagnetic waves in 2D structures. The program finds resonant modes of cavities and waveguides and also handles scattering solutions. High-performance matched termination layers represent open-space conditions. WaveSim determines both near- and far-field solutions and handles absorption resulting from resistivity or imperfect material response. Both programs feature integrated graphical post-processors for plots and solution analysis. The package includes the Probe utility for temporal signals generated by EMP.

Create up to 250 regions. Material types include vacuum, conductors, or lossy dielectrics and ferrites.
Option to define spatial variations of dielectric constant, magnetic permeability or conductivity through a region from mathematical functions.
Represent arbitrary time variations of multiple sources through tables or mathematical functions.
Record time-dependent electric and magnetic field components at up to 50 probe locations.
Automatic integrals of field energy density and resistive power dissipation over regions.
Textbook-quality instruction manual with a library of read-to-run examples.
Material absorption represented by imaginary parts of the dielectric constant and/or magnetic permeability.
Automatic resonance mapping of structures.
Simple output formats for easy data transfer to user applications or mathematical analysis programs.
One-time purchase price with no continuing license fees.

Please contact us for technical information, to arrange a free trial or to discuss how finite-element software can meet your goals.

Copyright, Field Precision LLC, 2025